
  • Jesus said in Matt 26:11 ‘The poor you will always have with you’. This has proved true. While several strides have been made and efforts been ongoing for decades, the global and local situation seem to just get worse as Pope Francis says “It is true that global wealth is growing in absolute terms, but…

  • He will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs. There He will bring me to live and I will found a city where I will settle. The fields I sowed and vineyards I planted will yield a fruitful harvest. The Lord will bless me and my numbers will greatly…

  • In this book John Maxwell and Jim Dornan explain how one can become a person of Influence who positively impacts the lives of others. Using alot of examples, personal stories and quotes from notable figures, they explain and drive home their points. The Introduction to this book asserts that anyone as long as they connect…

  • An interesting observation from my customized furniture business is that the most significant item in any furniture set is the table. It is the centerpiece- the focal point. Many happy memories are made at the dining table. The table invites people to come and  spend time together. While the beauty of the table is important,…

  • Last year 2023 my friend Charity Byarugaba did the year long Harvest Institute leadership program, legend has it that its a really engaging program thats time demanding. But then we all know Charity has the energy of 1000 Bakiga women combined 😊. In 2022, I joined the Rotary club of Upper Kololo as a tribute…

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