Nothing is as scary as going under anaesthesia or on an operating table! The fear is of entrusting your whole life-past and future to the surgeon and his team!

My first full surgery was in 2004, in the small town of Fort Collins I was forced by circumstances to deliver my son through surgery. For 9 months except for the normal morning sickness in the first trimester everything had been going well. I hadn’t even had to see a doctor, the midwife was enough, we had even considered a water bath😊. Tests on the initial due date revealed that my son was still comfortable being in there. Anyhow on the morning after, my friend Debbie who had taken me under her wing came over and drove me to the midwifery for routine monitoring. So I get there and I am put under observation of course with the Fort Collins hospital on standby. At 11am the midwife suggested an epidural be installed just in case……fast forward I was rushed to theatre and had to undergo surgery……soon enough my baby boy was announcing his arrival on earth and was placed in my arms. Now 20 years later, he is an amazing young man that brings joy to all those around him. I was blessed 2 years later to be delivered of a lovely fiesty baby girl this time at Mulago hospital in Kampala, through a similar procedure again under the capable hands of my gynaecologist Dr Janet. This time it was an elective cesarean surgery and in this case we chose to undergo surgery and not bother with trying to do it “naturally”.

When I think of Surrender to God, these scenarios come to mind. The choice to go under the surgeon’s hands and trust them with your life is an agonising one. There are always questions about the surgeon’s skill, other people’s experience with them and if the outcome will it be as promised! And to make matters worse you have to sign an indemnifying document! On the operating table you relinquish all control! You completely place your life in their hands- leave everything to them and nothing to you. Infact you are most often times naked! Undressed, under huge bright lights with every flaw exposed. This is 100% vulnerability! There is no other way!

In his book the Genius of Surrender, Ps Muriithi shares how his life fully changed when he handed over all he was, and all he ever hoped to be, the story is inspiring. It is one thing to hear about Surrender and something else to actually do it. But for it to work-it’s best it is a deliberate choice, not something you are pushed into. When you take up your life and consciously give it up to God you gain more out of it than when it is “coerced” by circumstances. When like King David you “Give-up” to God rather than “Give-in”, you are in a better place. Because that comes out of trust rather than desperation.
Not that there won’t be days when you want to take back the reins!  Indeed as long as we are on earth the body will always fight the Spirit. And that is why it is a daily submission……it is everyday, circumstance by circumstance handing it to God. The heart posture is the where it all begins. This is backed up by daily and moment-by-moment actions. We will always be tested but once the heart is settled on God, then the actions will align. The quality of the fruit is testament of the quality of the vine.

20 years later….

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